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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Humidor #2 finished. On to the next project.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One Done, One to go.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Now we cut the tops off. A little tricky but just
do it on the table-saw carefully.

After a little sanding we have two basic boxes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I put the top on and glued it to the main body.
Sorry for the blurry pictures. I guess i should use my camera instead of my cell phone. I will.

I then glued the simple box together using Gorilla Glue. Notice the Walnut end pieces.

I next attached Walnut strips to the ends to dress it up a little.

Next we have to line it with some sort of water absorbent wood. The popular wood for lining is Cedar, but it imparts a taste to the cigars i would rather not have. After much Googling I found out expensive humidors tend to be line with either Mahogany or Sycamore. I choose Sycamore. I cut the Sycamore into 1/8 thick strips and laminated it to the Plum wood.

I am a cigar smoker so lets make a simple humidor. Here we have wood from a dead Plum tree I cut down about a year ago. I had to work it down to boards to make it useful, no easy task as you can see what it looked like before and after.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

All that's left are the hinges and a little
surprise left off to the day of delivery.

Letters are painted and ready to
be put in there place.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The red will house the letter "A"
The yellow will house the letter "C"
Blue and green are next.

Taped and ready for the painting of two colors.

Wood working is pretty much done now.
Notice the rounded corners so when
she falls on it we won't have to get stitches.

Here we put on the framework that will
house the alphabet letters.

Here is the top drying.
The bottom is the same.

Next we add the Bottom and some feet.
The bottom (same as Top) is 1 x 5's
glued together using biscuits and Elmers.

We first make the box itself.
It is 3/4 in. plywood.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Stay tuned, I have a new member of the
family on the way. Waiting for plans to arrive.
Will take you through the making of this
toy box. I'm excited to get the show on the road.