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Thursday, March 12, 2009

All that's left are the hinges and a little
surprise left off to the day of delivery.

Letters are painted and ready to
be put in there place.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The red will house the letter "A"
The yellow will house the letter "C"
Blue and green are next.

Taped and ready for the painting of two colors.

Wood working is pretty much done now.
Notice the rounded corners so when
she falls on it we won't have to get stitches.

Here we put on the framework that will
house the alphabet letters.

Here is the top drying.
The bottom is the same.

Next we add the Bottom and some feet.
The bottom (same as Top) is 1 x 5's
glued together using biscuits and Elmers.

We first make the box itself.
It is 3/4 in. plywood.